2005 Restrospective

Shawn Tulecke-Paulson, "Veterans to speak at HSU," The Lumberjack (Humboldt State University), April 26, 2005.

Charlie Liteky, a Vietnam War veteran, went to Baghdad in the spring of 2003 to witness and protest U.S. troop invasion. Camilo Mejia, a U.S. soldier, was in Baghdad that same month. Six months and many firefights later, Mejia returned to the United States, became a conscientious objector, refused to go back to Iraq and was sentenced to a year in military prison. Liteky and Mejia, along with six others, will be speaking at a four-day No More War Teach-in at HSU Wednesday through Saturday. The No More War Teach-in includes a scheduled HSU walkout Thursday at 2 p.m., when organizers are encouraging students to walk out of class to see a speaker’s panel... The teach-in commemorates the end of the Vietnam War. Two teach-in speakers, Joseph Lewis and James Russell, were shot at Kent State University in Ohio in 1970.

Eman Varoqua, "Fracas over a protest; Impromptu service for Kent State draws a crowd - of agents," The Record (Bergen County, NJ), May 5, 2005.

Tommy Silva heard it on the radio. It was the 35th anniversary of the Kent State University shootings Wednesday. We should do something, he thought. The plan was simple: Silva and his pal, John Sargis, would show up at a Paterson landmark and lead a service to remember the day the Ohio National Guard shot and killed four students who were protesting the Vietnam War.

Marilyn Miller, "Kent State remembers students killed protesting Vietnam War," Kansas City Star (Knight Ridder Newspapers), May 4, 2005.

"Most Americans old enough to remember President John F. Kennedy's assassination can recall what they were doing or where they were when it happened.

"But the sister of one of the four students slain at Kent State University on May 4, 1970, told about 500 onlookers Wednesday that probably only a handful of people remember what they were doing when those shootings occurred during a Vietnam War protest. Nancy Tuttle remembers. She was in Lawrence, Kan., with a month-old boy. Her brother, William Schroeder, was one of the four killed."

Student Perspectives on the Shootings 35 Years Later

35 Year Perspective of Kent State by Amanda Bergeron

On May 4, 1970, National Guardsmen fired into a crowd of unarmed protestors at Kent State, killing four and wounding nine. Thirty-five years later, this monumental tragedy has become a blurb in history books- forgotten by many. However, now, more than ever, at a time when our nation is so divided on political and moral issues, it is crucial that we remember the horror of May 4th.

Kent State: 35 years later, The importance of remembering May 4, 1970 by Michael Corcoran

35 years ago, we lived in a world where many of our leaders, and citizens were intolerant of dissention. Where awareness, and criticism of the United States Government by students was not applauded for its intellectual context, but rather shunned and silenced.

Growing Pains by Alison Farraher

We are taught that by ignoring history’s lessons, we are bound to repeat its mistakes. It seems that history has escaped us once again. The murders at Kent State should have taught us many things about our government and our people. Now its thirty five years later and still we blunder.


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