Synopsis :: Schedule
:: Welcome
Aftermath of May, 1970: Strikes, Legal Struggles,
Temper of the Times - Failure to Communicate
:: Mary Ann Vecchio meets John Filo
Lobby of 21 Commonwealth Avenue Helen and Cecil Rose Conference Room Sunday, April 23
12:00 Art, Videos and Films
Display and screenings of memorabilia from May, 1970
Haig der Marderosian Room
2:00 Welcome
1. Philip Craft, President of Emerson's
Communication, Politics and Law Association
2. Emerson College President Jacqueline
3. Reading from "A Gathering of Poets" - selected readings, chosen from over
300 poets who recently presented their work on the May 1970 incidents to Emerson's
Oral Interpretation Society
2:30 Opening Remarks
1. J. Gregory Payne, Chairman, Division of Communication Studies, Emerson
2. Dean Kahler, paralyzed from injuries at Kent State
2:45 Images and Icons of May 4, 1970 - "One of Top 25 Photos of the Century"
Mary Ann Vecchio Gillum, photographed at Kent State
2. John Filo, Pulitzer Prize -winning photographer
... who met for the first time just before
this panel ...
3:30 Discussion and Dialogue
3:45 Screening - E.G. Marshall's Kent State documentary
4:15 The Legacy of May, 1970: What Does it Mean, Personally and to a Nation?
Dean Kahler, wounded at Kent State
2. Alan Canfora, wounded at Kent State
3. Gene Young, eyewitness to shootings at Jackson State
4. Alan Frank, eyewitness to shootings at Kent State
5. John Filo, eyewitness to shootings at Kent State
6. Mary Ann Vecchio Gillum, eyewitness to shootings at Kent State
7. Paul Keane, Kent State student
Dean Kahler with rapt conference attendee
5:30 Discussion and Dialogue
8:00 Screening of NBC's Kent State
Monday, April 24 Haig der Marderosian Room
9:00 Screening of Richard Myers' Confrontation at Kent State
Coffee and danish
9:00 Welcome
Dr. J. Gregory Payne
9:45 Opening Remarks
Alan Canfora, wounded at Kent State
10:00 Selected Readings from the Era
Dorothy Prince
1. Gene Young, eyewitness to shootings
at Jackson State
2. Bill McCabe, former Commissioner/Superintendent of Massachusetts State
3. Mary Ann Vecchio Gillum, eyewitness
to shootings at Kent State
4. Bob Hilliard, FCC official in 1970 and participant in anti-war movement
5. Alan Frank, wounded at Kent State
6. Dean Kahler, wounded at Kent State
11:30 Discussion and Dialogue
12:00 Emerson College - 1970, video of Emerson's reaction to the Kent State and Jackson State shootings
1:00 Simultaneous presentations:
"Commemoration and Communication": Current Kent State Students Respond
to the May 4th Incidents
1. Grant Cos, doctoral candidate, Kent State University
2. Stephanie Westmyer, doctoral candidate, Kent State University
Screening of Richard Myers' film Allison
Screening of evening news coverage from May, 1970
1. Carolyn Toll Oppenheim, professor at Emerson
2. Phyllis Haynes, professor at Emerson
2:00 Aftermath of May, 1970: Strikes, Legal Struggles, Commemorations
1. Mary Joyce, professor at Emerson,
on age cohort effects
2. Dean Kahler, on the legal struggles of Kent State
3. Phyllis Haynes, commencement speaker at New York University, May 1970
4. Joan Brigham, artist, entrant
in Kent State
Memorial competition
5. Paul Keane, petition drive leader
to President Nixon, 1970
6. Bill Ellwood, professor at University
of Wisconsin, 1970
7. Jeff Goldstein, television producer
3:00 Discussion and Dialogue
3:15 Mediated Realities of May 1970: Histories and Reflections
1. J. Gregory Payne, professor at Emerson, on "Historical Accuracy and
Dramatic License in NBC's Kent State"
2. John Anderson, Director, Kent State: A Requiem (1990)
4:00 Historical and Ethical Issues of May, 1970: "The Most Divisive Time in American History Since the Civil War"
1. Dr. Scott Ratzan, professor at Emerson, on the negotiation strategies
of May 1970 (Moderator)
2. Vito Silvestri, professor at Emerson, on student strikes and attitudes
in May 1970
3. Alan Canfora on the lessons of Kent State
4. Dean Kahler on the lessons of Kent State
5. Michael Goldman, Boston political consultant, on the political significance
and aftermath of Kent State
6. Mary Ann Vecchio Gillum on the lessons of Kent State
5:00 Discussion and Dialogue
6:00 Screening of Kent State: A Requiem
Boston Common
8:00 Commemorative Candlelight Vigil to Boston Massacre Statue
Walt and Marcia Littlefield, professors at Emerson, give selected readings
Special thanks to ...
The Helen and Cecil Rose Ethics and Communication Grant Emerson College's Communication, Politics and Law Association.
MAYDAY: Kent State
The Era
The People:
Bill Schroeder
Sandy Scheuer
Allison Krause
Jeffrey Miller
The Survivors
Kent State
the Movie
1975 Memorial Forum
1987 Conference
1990 Retrospective
1995 Retrospective
2005 Retrospective
of Docudrama
1970: Behind the Music
Virginia Tech
Relevant Media
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